Saturday 25 July 2015

Paper Doll Sweater

Kate Davies Paper Doll Sweater is the main reason I decided that I needed to learn to knit.  A few years ago these sweaters kept popping up all over the net and I would spend hours drooling over all the different versions.

I thought that I would need to start learning to knit on a much easier project though, so my first ever knitting project was making up this blanket for my son.

Yes, they were meant to be squares, and they were meant to be all the same size, but all the same I was pretty chuffed with myself when it was all finished.  So, with one wonky blanket under my belt, I decided I could now cope with the Paper Doll Sweater.

I eagerly trotted off and got all my supplies and started my knitting, thinking that it would be ready for the winter season that was only a few short months away.  Well, I missed that winter.  It turns out that I am a  ridiculously slow knitter.  

My next huge disappointment is that it also turns out that I am not very good at measuring and selecting the right size pattern.  The problem I have with knitting, well with this pattern anyway, is that you can't try it on as you knit.  Each night as I sat there knitting and I got closer to finishing I started to get more and more panicky that it was not going to fit.  And sure enough the day finally arrived (14 months after I started) when I finally got the project off the needles and could try it on.  Although I could get it on it was definitely a lot more snug than I was hoping.  Defiantly, I decided I would still wear it the next day but I did not have much feeling left in my arms by the end of the day.

Shortly after, I found out I was pregnant with our second child and there was simply no way it was going to fit  so it found its way into the bottom of my duchess.  And there it stayed until this winter when  I rediscovered it.  I was super stoked to find it fit me finally and I have worn it with glee all winter.

I am also feeling re-inspired about starting to knit again.  I am thinking that I should probably find some online classes.  Does anyone know of any good ones that they can recommend?


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